1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Science and Technology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A02970-T01689 Studies on the physico chemical aspects of some chelate compounds Sengupta, Manoranjan Shome, S C 1973
CUE-A02993-T01701 Studies on adsorption at oil water interface of long chain electrolytes polyelectrolyte and ampholyte at different pH and ionic strengths Chattopadhyay, Bidhan Chandra Ghosh, B N 1973
CUE-A03006-T01704 Some aspects of biochemical studies in leishmania donovani with special reference to temperature response Ray, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Dilip Kumar 1973
CUE-A03012-T01708 Studies in the phenomenon of electrophoresis theoretical and experimental investigations Jana, Sudhangsu Sekhar Sengupta, M K 1973
CUE-A03013-T01709 Experimental techniques of stress and strain analysis applied to some typical industrial problems of design Chaulia, Phanibhusan - 1973
CUE-A03036-T01725 Studies on host specificity in avian haemosporidia Basu, Tapati Mookerjee, Sivatosh 1973
CUE-A03062-T01742 Studies on mutation and transformation in rhizobium SP Mukhopadhaya, Pampa Mishra, Ajit Kumar 1973
CUE-A03091-T01760 Intervalence transfer phenomena in inorganic complexes Ghosh, Udita Basu, S 1973
CUE-A03095-T01762 Characterization of reactive groups in proteins and other polymers with special reference to denaturation of proteins Vidyarthi, Dinesh Kumar Palit, Santi R 1973
CUE-A03106-T01772 Studies on some sulphonamide derivatives as metal complexing ligands Mukhopadhyay, Gurunath Ghosh, N N 1973
CUE-A03107-T01773 The use of organic reagents in inorganic analysis Ray, Murari Priya Shome, S C 1973
CUE-A03112-T01777 Studies on naturally occurring heterocyclic compounds Roy, Shyamali Chakraborty, D P 1973
CUE-A03133-T01791 On parallelism Manna, Jaydeb Choudhury, A C 1973
CUE-A03152-T01803 Investigations on polydentate complexing ligands Saha, Uma Ahmed, A Dutta 1973
CUE-A03161-T01810 Structural and petrological evolution of the granites and pegmatites in parts of Bihar mica belt Bihar India Chattopadhyay, Nirmal - 1973
CUE-A03186-T01827 Some studies on the properties of ferromagnetic materials and their application in information handling and storage systems Das, Jyotirmay Majumder, D Dutta 1973
CUE-A03187-T01828 On the emission of recombination radiation from semiconductor lasers and related phenomena Rakshit, Sambhu Chakravarti, A N 1973
CUE-A01057-T00662 Study of neutron deuteron collision and bound state problems Purkayastha, Gita Sil, N C 1972
CUE-A01171-T00713 A comparative study of the palaeolithic handaxes from various sites of Bihar Orissa and West Bengal with those of the rest of India Ray, Jharna Chatterjee, B K 1972
CUE-A01179-T00715 Studies on the physiology of thyroid in relation to changes in ambient temperature Bhattacharyya, Santwana Sadhu, D P 1972

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RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009

ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

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VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

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