1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Science and Technology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A02956-T01679 Cytohistomorphological study mainly of piperales with an object of delimitation of taxa and tracing ontogenetic sequence Sen, Arati Datta, P C 1972
CUE-A02989-T01699 Biological response of certain protozoa to the action of specific amino acids Mallik, Utpal Mookerjee, Sivatosh 1972
CUE-A03021-T01713 Chemistry of lanthanons Sarma, U Umamaheswara Dutt, N K 1972
CUE-A03104-T01770 Some aspects of quantum scattering and strong interactions Das, Jitendra Nath S K, Chakraborty 1972
CUE-A03185-T01826 Studies on certain aspects of optical and magneto optical properties of molecules Mukhopadhyay, Debasish Chowdhury, Mihir 1972
CUE-A00024-T00024 Protein synthesis in human cancer cell Chakrabarti, Syamalima Roy, S C 1971
CUE-A00064-T00056 Phosphatases and phosphotransferases in germinating seeds Burman, Sujata Biswas, B B 1971
CUE-A00089-T00078 Some biochemical studies on plant cell nuclei 1 RNA polymerase and factors from the chromatin Mandal, Hrishikes Biswas, B B 1971
CUE-A00090-T00079 Experimental studies on effects of induced physical and chemical changes in the Cerebrospinal Fluid on Systemic Arterial Pressure and its Homeostasis Maitra, Subir Ranjan Roy, Bijon 1971
CUE-A00114-T00101 Some beacon satellite studies of the ionosphere Gupta, Ashish Kumar Das Basu, S 1971
CUE-A00128-T00113 On the study of oscillations in active filter systems Patranabis, Dipakchandra Sen, P C 1971
CUE-A00136-T00121 Nuclear scattering and nuclear structure Ganguly, Chhaya Basu, D 1971
CUE-A00149-T00133 Chemistry of natural polycyclic compounds with special reference to alkaloids of magnoliaceae Patra, Amarendra Talapatra, S K 1971
CUE-A00228-T00202 Studies on some aspects of radiation induced changes in deoxyribonucleic acids of bacteria and bacterial viruses Dasgupta, Ranjit Kumar Mitra, Sankar 1971
CUE-A00235-T00209 An x ray and thermodynamic investigation of minerals in the metamorphic rocks of Darjeeling district Nandi, Kamal - 1971
CUE-A00255-T00225 Radioisotopic and related physico chemical studies of vibrio cholerae Raychaudhuri, Chiranjan Chatterjee, S N 1971
CUE-A00268-T00237 Studies on trypsin from goat pancreas isolation enzymatic and physical chemical properties Das, Susanta Kumar Sinha, N K 1971
CUE-A00288-T00254 Algebraic approaches to strong interactions of hadrons Khare, Avinash Pradhan, T 1971
CUE-A00332-T00295 Theoretical analysis of the nuclear fission phenomena Sarkar, Ratna Chatterjee, Aparesh 1971
CUE-A00511-T00371 Studies on the fatty acid compositions of some fats and oils by chromatographic methods Ghosh, Amitabha Dutta, J 1971

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ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

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