1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Science and Technology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A05730-T03432 Studies on glyceride compositions of some oils after interesterification Dasgupta, Jayanti Chakrabarty, M M 1980
CUE-A05731-T03433 Biophysical studies on the diffusion of ions through the membranes of artificial lipid spherules liposomes Mandal, Tapas Kumar Chatterjee, S N 1980
CUE-A05732-T03434 Some studies on the electronic properties in the quantized inversion layer of a semiconductor Chaudhuri, Diptiman Ray Basu, P K 1980
CUE-A05733-T03435 Some problems of thin elastic plates and shells D E, Anukul Basuli, S 1980
CUE-A05777-T03471 Studies on some medicinal plants Gangopadhyay, Amarnath Mahato, S B 1980
CUE-A05886-T03538 Recent directions of growth of biomedical knowledge an analytical study based on observed changes in the scientific impact of serial publications Sengupta, Indra Narayan - 1980
CUE-A07295-T04424 A bio anthropological study of cancer Ray, Jharna Rakshit, H K 1980
CUE-A05244-T03078 Bioengineering approach to performance evaluation of human lower extremity system Tibarewala, Dewaki Nandan Ganguli, Siddhartha 1980
CUE-A04281-T02487 Studies on some biological membranes Das, Manjusri Chakrabarti, Parul 1979
CUE-A04282-T02488 Mechanistic studies on reactions of metal complexes Banerjee, Rupendranath Banerjea, D 1979
CUE-A04293-T02497 Some properties of psions with special reference to their decay modes and multiproduction phenomena Guha, Gouri Bandyopadhyay, P 1979
CUE-A04306-T02508 Biochemical studies on vibrio parahaemolyticus Basu, Bibha Chakravarti, D 1979
CUE-A04309-T02510 Study on some polycondensate derivatives of castor oil with special reference to polyurethanes Saha, Khagendra Kumar Mukherjea, Ram Narayan 1979
CUE-A04324-T02520 Studies on certain aspects of physiology of antibiotic resistant intestinal lactobacilli in relation to their survival in the intestine of the host Bhattacharya, Pramatha Ranjan Majumdar, M K 1979
CUE-A04333-T02529 A study on plasma in magnetic field using pig type of discharge Chatterjee, Amiya Kumar Kundu, D N 1979
CUE-A04335-T02531 Studies in coordination Chemistry of molybdenum Chaudhuri, Tapas Kumar Ray Saha, H K 1979
CUE-A04359-T02542 Study of the chemical constituents of the natural products used in ayurvedic medicines Konar, Chandra - 1979
CUE-A04377-T02551 Some studies on the ionospheric and magnetospheric phenomena from propagation type experiments in different frequency bands Trehan, Satish Kumar - 1979
CUE-A04413-T02567 Certain aspects of ascorbic acid metabolism Bandyopadhya, Somnath Banerjee, Sachchidananda 1979
CUE-A04417-T02569 Studies on immobilized trypsin and papain on molecular sieve 4 A Ghosh, Bijan Kumar Mukherjea, R N 1979

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ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

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