1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Science and Technology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A04890-T02880 Studies on heterocycles and their transformation reactions Bhattacharya, Sudipta - 1978
CUE-A04891-T02881 Studies on intergeneric transfer of R factors in bacteria Sen, Minakshi Chakrabarty, A N 1978
CUE-A04892-T02882 Some aspects of atomic scattering Konar, Ahuti Narayan Das, J N 1978
CUE-A04901-T02887 Organic thio ligands as complexing agents in the spectrophotometric determination of some transition metals Nandy, Sikha Shome, S C 1978
CUE-A04917-T02895 Radiosensitivity of plant tissues and its modification Mandal, Suniti Kumar Basu, R K 1978
CUE-A04923-T02897 Structural geology and petrology of an area West of Bhilwara Rajasthan Das Gupta, Subhash Chandra - 1978
CUE-A04930-T02900 Submerged fermentation of mushrooms Ghosh, Anil Kumar - 1978
CUE-A04939-T02904 Chemistry of some natural heterocycles Gangopadhyay, Nemai Chand Talapatra, S K 1978
CUE-A04940-T02905 Studies on metal complexes of some hetero donor ligands Mondal, Santosh Kumar Nag, K 1978
CUE-A04943-T02908 Neutrino theory of light finite quantum field theory and some problems in connection with the compositeness of hadrons Bhattacharya, Brahmananda Bandyopadhyay, Pratul 1978
CUE-A04944-T02909 Spectroscopic investigation of some rare earth complexes in crystals Banerjee, Asok Kumar Chowdhury, Mihir 1978
CUE-A04945-T02910 Coordination Chemistry of molybdenum Saha, Bikas Chandra Saha, H K 1978
CUE-A05009-T02958 Studies on serum aldolase in health and in some diseases Deb, Anil Chandra Banerjee, P K 1978
CUE-A05028-T02969 Parsees of India a morpho genetic study Bandyopadhyay, Malay Kumar Rakshit, H K 1978
CUE-A05449-T03219 A comparative dermatoglyphic study of the upper and lower caste people VIZ Brahmin Kayastha Vaidya Sadgope Goala Mahisya Namasudra Bagdi and Muchi ETC of West Bengal Sarkar, Dharmadas Chatterjee, B K 1978
CUE-A05494-T03255 Some contributions to sampling inspection plans and their statistical rationale D E, Bibhas Ranjan Mukherjee, S P 1978
CUE-A04050-T02343 On already unified field theory and problems of singularities in general relativity Bera, Kachiram Datta, B K 1978
CUE-A04060-T02350 Effects os some physicochemical stresses usually present in the breeding grounds on the gametes and development of heteropneustes fossilis Bloch Sur, Robin Kumar Ghose, K C 1978
CUE-A04066-T02355 Intestinal absorption of different penicillins streptomycin and nitrofuranton in nitro and related phenomena Maiti, Tapas Kumar Banerjee, Sachchidananda 1978
CUE-A04098-T02375 Certain physiological variations of human seminal fluid at different state of fertility Ray, Anjali Chaudhuri, N 1978

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RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009

ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

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VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

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