1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Science and Technology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A06242-T03803 Selected aspects of quantum mechanical approximation methods for bound states Bhattacharyya, Kanmal Mukherjee, Debashis 1984
CUE-A06267-T03824 Studies on the cell surface of vibrio cholerae Fatehpuria, Anuradha - 1984
CUE-A06271-T03828 Investigations on the concentration dependence of diffusion coefficients in electrolytic solutions Chakrabarti, Haimanti Changdar, S N 1984
CUE-A06275-T03830 Studies on the analytical aspects of chelating resins Bhattacharyya, Saradindu Das, H R 1984
CUE-A06277-T03832 Studies on the inheritance of protein content and some quantitative characters in rice oryza sativa L Biswas, Dilip Kumar - 1984
CUE-A06292-T03842 Instabilities and some other problems in plasma D E, Sukla Choudhury, R K Roy 1984
CUE-A06352-T03880 Crystal and molecular structure of biologically important molecules with particular reference to sympathomimetic amines Bhaumik, Rekha Rani Saha, N N 1984
CUE-A06373-T03898 Studies on nitrosyl carbonyl and cyano rhenium complexes Mitra, Tripti Bandyopadhyay, P 1984
CUE-A06523-T03918 Some problems on the theory of special functions Bandyopadhyay, Tulsidas Chatterjea, S K 1984
CUE-A06526-T03920 Revisionary studies on certain genera of the family rosaceae in India Purohit, Kshetra Mohan Panigrahi, G 1984
CUE-A06531-T03925 Some problems on statistical mechanics foundations from abstract standpoints Mukhopadhyay, Salilesh Dutta, M 1984
CUE-A06532-T03926 Studies on structure function relationship of calotropin from calotropis gigantea Bhattacharyya, Debasish Sinha, N K 1984
CUE-A06533-T03927 Genetical studies on some qualitative and quantitative characters in paddy oryza sativa L Biswas, Dilip Kumar Bose, Sunando 1984
CUE-A06535-T03929 Studies on some cerambycid beetles coleoptera of Andaman and Nicobar Islands India Khan, Tarak Nath Roy, D N 1984
CUE-A06570-T03959 Role of a few synthetic inorganic cation exchangers in studying radiochemically the adsorption of different tracer cations and some parent daughter radioisotope separations D E, Amitabha Bhattacharyya, D K 1984
CUE-A06580-T03969 Statistical theory of turbulence related to a derived vector field Hajra, Rathindra Nath Sen, N R 1984
CUE-A06587-T03976 Studies on natural and synthetic polycyclic compounds Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta Kumar Chakraborty, D P 1984
CUE-A06612-T03997 Investigation on electroviscous effect Ali, Syed Azahar Sengupta, M 1984
CUE-A06618-T04001 Chemistry on natural products and synthesis of chloroacetyl derivatives Chattopadhyay, Gita Mahato, S B 1984
CUE-A06630-T04013 Chemistry of plant products Ray, Sanghamitra - 1984

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RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009

ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

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LAW = Hazra Road Campus

51/1and 51/2 Hazra Road, Kolkata-700019

VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

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