1. Full Text theses (PhD/DLitt/DSc)
  2. Zoology
Document ID Title Name of Researcher Name of Guide Year Completed File
CUE-A06237-T03797 Studies on certain aspects of regulation of replication and transcription of drosophila genome Chattopadhyay, Chandana Mukherjee, A S 1983
CUE-A06383-T03905 Studies on mustard aphid lipaphis erysimi KLTB homoptera nisegta and its natural enemy complex in some parts of West Bengal Ghosh, Dilip Ghosh, A K 1983
CUE-A09119-T05524 Studies on some aspects of the neurosecretory system of a diplopod Crigoniulus lumbricinus GERST Majumdar, Srutakirti Nanda, D K 1983
CUE-A09174-T05552 Studies on the aphids homoptera aphididae of Himachal Pradesh Das, Sunil Kumar Raychaudhuri, D N 1983
CU-A06003-DSC0530 Studies on some Protozoan parasites of fish poultry and farm animals in India Mandal, A K - 1982
CUE-A04671-T02720 Studies on the brain of some common nonpoisonous snakes of India Gupta, Kumkum Datta Sarcar, Ajit K 1982
CUE-A05427-T03206 Comparative and physiological cytology of the avian pineal Chakraborty, Subrata Ghosh, Asok 1982
CUE-A05819-T03494 Scanning electron microscopy of human hairs a comparative study D E, J K Pal, S G 1982
CUE-A05853-T03517 Systematic study of the oribatid mites acari from Nagaland India Ghosh, Alak Kumar Raychaudhuri, D N 1982
CUE-A05861-T03523 Regulation of gonadal cycle in male blossomheaded parakeet psittacula cyanocephala through interactions of adrenocortico medullary system and photoperiod Maitra, Saumen Kumar Ghosh, Asok 1982
CUE-A05898-T03544 Studies on aphis craccivora koch and its natural enemies in some parts of India Poddar, Sekhar Chandra Raychaudhuri, D N 1982
CUE-A06011-T03629 Taxonomic and ecological studies on some Indian acridids Haldar, Parimalendu Raychaudhuri, D N 1982
CUE-A06636-T04018 Studies in the nest associates of resident birds of Midnapore district with special reference to arthropods and their relationship with the host bird Majumdar, Kasturi Mukherjee, A K 1982
CU-A04652-DSC0499 Population dynamics of the Pestiferous Snail Achatina Lissachatina fulica fulica bowdich Raut, Srimanta Kumar - 1981
CUE-A04570-T02649 Taxonomy of lygaeid bugs heteroptera insecta from West Bengal with aspects of bioecology of some representative species Mukhopadhyay, Ananda Ananthakrishnan, T N 1981
CUE-A04786-T02806 Coastal water ichthyofauna of two districts of Orissa with observations on the feeding and reproductive biology of some flatfishes Das, Mihir Datta, N C 1981
CUE-A04789-T02808 Some aspects of aphid Homoptera insects taxonomy and biology of Darjeeling district and Bhutan Dutta, Subir Rayachaudhuri, D N 1981
CUE-A04792-T02810 Studies on some biological aspects of Clarias batrachus Elserafy, Sabry Sadek Datta, N C 1981
CUE-A05199-T03057 Structural and functional analysis of a genetic site defined as white locus in drosophila melanogaster Bandyopadhyay, R S Sen, Soumitra K 1981
CUE-A05334-T03142 Taxonomy of soil oribatid mitas Acari of Sikkim Himalaya Dhali, Sadhugopal Raychaudhuri, D N 1981

library locations

ALP = Alipore Campus Library, University of Calcutta

1, Reformatory Steet, Kolkata - 700027

CL = Central Library, University of Calcutta

87/1, College Street, Kolkata - 700073

TSP = Ballygunge Science College (Taraknath Siksha Prangan)

35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata – 700019

RBSP = Rashbehari Siksha Prangan – Rajabazar Science College

92, Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata - 700009

ECO = ECONOMICS, B. T. Road Campus

56A, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata-700050

LAW = Hazra Road Campus

51/1and 51/2 Hazra Road, Kolkata-700019

VLC = Home Science, Viharilal Home Science Campus

20B, Judges Court Road, Alipore, Kolkata -700021