CUO-A02497-T01450 |
Thermal conductivity and other properties of gases |
Manna, Anandamoy |
Srivastava, B N |
1969 |
CUE-A00176-T00158 |
Properties of solids at low temperature |
Chatterjee, Supriya |
Srivastava, B N |
1968 |
CUE-A00305-T00269 |
Studies on diffusion and other related properties of gases |
Singh, Yashwant |
Srivastava, B N |
1968 |
CUE-A00745-T00515 |
Transport properties of chemically reacting gas systems |
Dastidar, Tamohar Krishna Rai |
Barua, A K |
1968 |
CUE-A00138-T00123 |
High energy electron scattering from atoms and nuclei |
Mukhopadhyay, Sailajananda |
Majumdar, S D |
1968 |
CUE-A01091-T00680 |
Wall paintings in the Punjab Himalayas an album |
Seth, Mira |
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1968 |
CUO-A02503-T01454 |
Scattering and capture of electrons by atomic system |
Chatterjee, Gurudas |
Basu, D |
1968 |
CUE-A00196-T00177 |
Transport properties of gases |
Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi |
Barua, A K |
1967 |
CUE-A01745-T01062 |
Studies on thermal diffusion in gases and other related phenomena |
Deb, Subhendu Kumar |
Barua, A K |
1967 |
CUE-A02050-T01234 |
X Ray diffraction study of metals and alloys |
Gupta, Siba Prasad Sen |
Srivastava, B N |
1967 |
CUO-A02488-T01446 |
Studies on transport properties of gases and other related properties |
Pal, Arun Kumar |
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1967 |
CUE-A01756-T01070 |
Electron atom collisions |
Jha, Rameshwar |
Basu, D |
1967 |
CUE-A01872-T01145 |
Scattering of electrons by atoms |
Bandopadhyay, Satya Narayan |
Basu, D |
1967 |
CUE-A02024-T01218 |
Collision and capture processes of electrons |
Bhattacharya, Debendra Madhab |
Basu, D |
1967 |
CUE-A01797-T01095 |
Thermal conductivity and other transport properties of gases |
Gupta, Amalendu Das |
Srivastava, B N |
1966 |
CUE-A02036-T01225 |
X ray studies of cold worked materials and other substances |
Goswami, Kashi Nath |
Srivastava, B N |
1966 |
CU-A00622-DSC0356 |
Improvements in or relating to Telephone exchanges and innovations in tele-communication systems including developments in semi-conductor circuits |
Das, Paresh Nath |
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1965 |
CUE-A01585-T00980 |
The structure and properties of alloys |
Dey, Biswanath |
Srivastava, B N |
1965 |
CU-A00637-DSC0361 |
X-Ray study of deformed metals and some allied problems |
Mitra, G B |
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1964 |
CU-A00855-DSC0364 |
On some problems in general relativity and quantum field theory |
Das, Anadi Jiban |
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1962 |